The Hampton Fire Company is a volunteer fire company with an active response group of approximately 25 members.

The company responds to about 120 plus
calls per year including building/house fires, auto accidents, grass/woods fires, wire/trees down across roadways, basement pumping, CO detector response, mutual aid calls to other towns and medical.
Training takes place throughout the year and includes cold water rescue, vehicle extrications, chimney fire management, breathing apparatus and state sponsored fire classes.
An annual ham & bean supper serves as a fund raiser for the group for purchase of equipment. They are always looking for additional volunteers. If you are interested, stop by the firehouse and speak to one of the crew.
Currently the Hampton Fire Station holds 5 fire trucks, 1 gator and trailer. The different types of calls determine which vehicle(s) respond. For almost all calls ET 112 responds, and depending on the situation another truck will follow for assistance. For fires, ET 112, ET 212, Eng 112 and Service 112 will all respond. Our Forestry truck is used for brush fires / woods fires. It holds a small amount of water used to knock out lager parts of a brush fire. Our service will also respond to any medical calls. The Service is also equipped with direction/detour signs, medical supplies, and a generator if more lighting is needed on a scene. ET 112 is our main attack vehicle. It holds our Hurst tool (aka the Jaws of Life) that may be needed for accidents, as well as several SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) packs we use when entering into a fire. ET 212 is our second attack vehicle to any alarm for the fire department. It is also our main attack vehicle for chimney fires. ENG 112 is the truck used to either set up to be used as a main water supplier. The Engine will hook up to a fire hydrant and set up a water suction so other trucks can come and go as they bring water to a fire scene. Our gator is used for transporting personnel/equipment to any scene it may be called to. It is also set up to transport injured patients from rough terrain areas. It is set up with a stokes basket that securely holds the patient in place for the ride out of the rough terrain area.
In January of 2010, the Hampton Fire Company implemented a new program designed for the younger generation of our community to participate in volunteer fire fighting. Any young adult between the ages of 14-16 is able to join the fire department as a junior member. Under a department appointed advisor, junior fire fighters are able to learn the ins and outs of fire fighting. Junior members are provided "hand-me-down” gear and second grade pagers. Junior fire fighters are only allowed to participate in OSHA restricted activities as well as respond in the time frames outlined by the Connecticut labor laws. Parental consent is required. If you or your young adult is interested, please leave a message for Becky DeMontigny at the Hampton Fire Company (860)455-9660 for more information.
Donations for the Hampton Fire
should be sent to:
Hampton Fire Department
c/o Treasurer Dale DeMontigny
229 Station Road Hampton, CT 06247