The Last Green Valley, Inc., (TLGV) is your member-supported, non-profit stewardship organization working locally to celebrate our heritage, conserve our natural resources, and respect our working lands.
TLGV is a membership organization that reflects the interests of a broad-based, grassroots constituency through a democratic process. The Board of Directors are elected by the membership at the annual meeting. Members participate in all committees, which is where the work of the organization is conceived and executed. Members include individuals, families, businesses, non-profits, corporations, regional and state entities, congressional delegations, and our 35 towns.
It is the role of TLGV:
- Promote partnerships at the local, regional, state and federal levels to accomplish the mission and maximize limited resources,
- Act as an educator/facilitator to motivate independent actions that will accomplish the mission and maximize limited resources, and
- Take action through specific projects or programs when TLGV is the only or most appropriate entity to bring about initiation or successful completion of critical work.
Past projects and programs have included:
- A successful grant program distributing more than $3.1 million to over 200 projects in every part of the region
- Publications to interpret the significance of the resources in The Last Green Valley and encourage appropriate economic activities. Examples include the Visitors Guide to The Last Green Valley, Notable & Notorious, Green & Growing, and For the Common Good.
- The Green Valley Institute, a partnership with UConn and UMass Cooperative Extension Services that provides continuing education to land use decision makers.
- Walktober, a 23-year program that celebrates the resources of the region in October with free guided walks, bike rides, paddles and events.
CLICK HERE to Visit The Last Green Valley website for more information and events.