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Town of Hampton

Green Energy Committee Film

Date: Thursday, June 13th 2013

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Hampton Town Hall Community Room

“The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil”
Shimmering with life like a cornucopi of colorful vegetables, this vibrant, hopeful film bring to light one of the most important stories of the last two decades-how a small island
nation responded to a sudden and dangerous drop in oil supplies. When Cuba’s hefty subsidies of oil, food and other goods ceased after the Soviet Union collapsed and U.S.
will soon face, electric power became intermittent and transportation nearly stopped. But Cuba bounced back. This inspiring film offers us a living model of sustainability, as
Cubans tell the remarkable story of their nation’s recovery and its transition to organic agriculture, renewable energy, effective mass transit, lowered consupmption, better
health and stronger communities. 56 minutes.


Free Admission and Popcorn (Donations Gladly Accepted)