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Town of Hampton

Green Energy Committee Film

Date: Thursday, August 11th 2011

Time: 7:30 PM

Location: Hampton Town Hall Lower Level

August 11 "Working the Land"
Working the Land tells the compelling story of Connecticut agriculture- from its earliest history to its present day diversity.  Connecticut's rich agricultural tradition dates to its earliest settlement.  From the first days of small substinance farming through its development into an economic mainstay, Connecticut farmers and the farming way of life helped build the state, give sustanance to millions, and provide state residents with a special sense of place.  The program also explores trends affecting farming in the state and the public policy that shapes its future.  Along the way, we visit many picturesque state farms and meet the farmers who work the land and waters of Connecticut.
Acclaimed actor Sam Waterson narrates the documentary, 88 minutes.
All Films will be Preceeded by a 24 minute episode from the original television series "The Twilight Zone" (1959- 1964) or other Short Film
Free Admission and Popcorn
(Donations Gratefully Accepted)
