Town of Hampton

Agent for the Elderly

In October 2011, Jane Cornell was hired as the town's Agent for the Elderly. She is a registered nurse and has lived in Hampton since 1978. Her grandparents, John and Lucy Lewis were lifelong residents of Hampton. Jane has over 20 years experience as a visiting nurse, care manager and discharge planner.  She has worked with seniors through programs at the McSweeny and Willington Senior Centers. She has worked for a local care management organization and is a Certified Geriatric Care Manager. Throughout the years, Jane has become well versed in the services available to assist seniors.

The goal of the Agent for the Elderly is to assist those elder Hampton residents that may be having difficulty managing any number of aspects of their home or are looking to plan for the future. In most situations, Jane will be able to link our seniors with someone who specializes in their specific need. The following is a brief list of some areas where help is available:
  • Help with medications,
  • Help with household chores
  • Advice about financial planning for the future
  • Help with medical insurance coverage for the future
  • Advice to family members who are caregivers
  • Help with meals
  • Advice about hiring outside help
Equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, shower benches and hospital bed etc. are stored at the Public Works garage and are available to borrow. Call Jane to see what is available and make arrangements for pick-up.
Consultations can be provided by phone or through home visits. For more information or to schedule and appointment, please call Jane at 860-208-2430.  Jane can also be reached at  
Agent for the Elderly has no upcoming meetings
Jane Cornell


Agent for the Elderly


Email Address