Like many other small New England towns, Hampton has a Selectmen-Town Meeting form of government. Selectmen meetings occur at least once per month and a full Town Meeting is held at least once annually. The meeting agenda or "call" is published before hand and made available to the public on this website and at the Town Hall.
At Town Meeting, all registered voters of the town are eligible to participate and vote; and, generally, all persons owning at least $1,000 of taxable property are eligible to vote on non-election items.
A moderator is chosen at each Town Meeting. Meetings are typically held in the Hampton Elementary School auditorium. Items on the agenda, including the annual budget, are voted on by voice or a show of hands or paper ballot. Meetings on controversial topics are often adjourned to a referendum conducted by machine vote on a subsequent date.
Hampton has active Democratic and Republican Town Committees. Their monthly meetings and events are posted on our Calendar of Events.