Town Hall Pavilion weather permitting/Community Room
Click Here for more information about the Board of Education
Click Here for more information about the Board of Finance
Click Here for more information about the Green Energy Committee
Click Here for more information about the Board of Assessment Appeals
Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and picnic to share and enjoy the Flock Theatre's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream! Parking at the Community Center and Town Hall. Admission is free, donations gladly accepted.
Click Here for more information about the Planning and Zoning Commission
Please join us on July 19th at noon for our monthly luncheon in the lower level of the Hampton Town Hall. We will serve a mixed Green Salad, Grilled Flank steak or as a vegetarian option Grilled Cauliflower along with sides and Berry Pies! Hampton residents 55 yrs and older $6 and visitors $12. You MUST RSVP by July 15 (be sure to let us know which meal you will be reserving) to
Click Here for more information about the Conservation Commission
NOTICE: Registered Republicans will caucus on July 20, 2023 at 6:00PM at the Town Hall Community Room, 164 Main Street, to nominate candidates for the November Municipal Election.
Democratic Caucus, Hampton, CT
July 24, 2023
Registered Hampton democrats are hereby noticed that a caucus will be held on Monday, July 24, 2023 at 7pm in the basement of the Hampton Town Hall—Rt.97, Main Street, Hampton—to endorse candidates for Municipal Office and to conduct other business as appropriate.
HDTC, Maryellen Donnelly & Rose Bisson, co-chairs
Click Here for more information about the Board of Education
Join the Hampton Rec commission July 30th for a fun baseball game this summer!